12 December, 2011

Harmon Rocket III Will Take Off Soon

A successful engine run of my new Harmon Rocket III cheered up an otherwise dull day.

I had attempted to run it on a previous occasion but I hadn't set-up the throttle idle position on the transmitter properly which meant I was trying to start it with a closed throttle - not surprisingly that didn't work!

On this occasion though a good priming had the ASP 80 four stroke engine running in no time. A few more running in cycles on the ground should have it ready to have the engine cowl fitted ready for it's maiden flight and about time too. Although I said it was new I suppose it would be more correct to have said newly built as I've actually had the model for about 5 years but hadn't found time to complete it.

When it is totally finished it will not look too dissimilar to the real Harmon Rocket III

November Visit to the New Forest

During mid November my wife & I spent a week in the New Forest and a very good week it was too. The weather was pretty good for the time year especially as I recall this time last year we had already had our first fall of snow.


Some friends from the Isle of Wight came to stay for a few days and we all got out and about quite a lot which gave me plenty of opportunities to snap the photographs in the New Forest and also at Hurst Castle shown here.  I took a lot more at other locations too but they are being kept for something else!

My new found joy of slope soaring meant I could take my SAS Fusion on holiday with me and so I met up with some chaps from the Christchurch and District Model Flying Club to join in one of their sessions at Barton on Sea and I thank them for their warm hospitality.